What is Lindy Hop?
Lindy Hop is the original swing dance. Born in Harlem as a street dance, it evolved alongside the jazz music of the 1920s, 30s, and 40s. Like jazz, Lindy Hop is a black American art form.
Hmm. Sounds… old-timey...
While Lindy Hop definitely deserves its place in history books, it is still danced today, all over the world! Modern Lindy Hoppers strive to stay true to the joyful spirit and jubilant style of vintage Lindy Hop while continuing to evolve the dance. The one constant is that Lindy Hop, a swing dance, is danced to - you guessed it - swing music!
So… it’s like ballroom dance?
Not really. Yes, Lindy is a partnered dance with a “lead” and “follow.” But unlike ballroom dances, Lindy Hop is casual and conversational — meaning that both partners learn to improvise and play off one another. The goal of learning Lindy Hop is not to memorize a repertoire of moves, but to develop good connection and be able improvise and create fun dances with many partners.
Let’s get started!
We offer classes for all skill levels.
All classes include social dancing 9pm to midnight
Click on each class below to learn more!
Pre-LindyThis month long crash course covers basic Lindy Hop footwork and partner dance technique. 1-Month Progressive series.
Lindy 1Picks up where Pre-Lindy leaves off. Learn the foundations of Lindy Hop with changing monthly topics. 1-Month Progressive series.
Lindy Elective (formerly Playground)This new series bridges the gap between Lindy 1 & Lindy 2 and beyond with rotating 1 month or 2 month progressive topics.
Lindy 2 (formerly Lindy Challenge)Rediscover the joys of social dance and the intimacy of communicating and sharing movement with your partner (at LindyGroove)
Blues 1Learn the playful, rhythmic nature of blues movement (at LindyGroove)
Haunted Halloween BallWoo hoo! Some tips to get the most out of classes:
- Shoes: Bring comfortable FLAT shoes with slick soles that allow you to pivot and turn easily. Many dancers like tennis shoes such as Keds. If you already have flat ballroom shoes, those will work great too.
- Clothes: On any given night at LindyGroove, you’ll see people in jeans and tshirts, people dressed up for a night out — and everything in between. Lindy is an active dance, so what’s important is that your clothes allow you to move freely.
- Pro tip: You can’t go wrong bringing a change of shirts, towels, and a water bottle.
- And most importantly: Be ready to meet new people, be active, and have fun — we’ll be rotating partners often. None of our classes require you to bring a partner.